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Writer's pictureDejyah YisraÈL

I found love by putting God first in my life

I never really knew who my husband was going to be. I grew up in the church and had always had strong examples of marriage and Godly men in my life. I come from a strong two-parent household, so being married one day was always a goal.

But sometimes your goals get lost in the sauce. Sometimes goals you once held high on your list get pushed further down based on circumstances. Once I graduated high school, I was in between my current relationship and wanted to just enjoy my college experience. That came with a lot of heartbreak, pain, danger, and loneliness.

Senior year of college came, and I was determined to force my relationship to work although all of the signs that this relationship had zero longevity had been there for years.

Once I discovered The Most High and sought to live for him, my boyfriend at the time had other ideas and gave me an ultimatum. Sadly, I chose him over YAH.

The light The Most High gave me dimmed. And I quickly realized that the relationship I thought I wanted and prayed for had actually become my open door into a future with YAH. Yet I chose to close the door on YAH instead.

I decided I wasn’t going to choose the world over a life with YAH. I knew that whoever The Most High had in store for me would love Him just as much if not more than I did. So YAH gave me the test to retake. And I passed.

Next thing I knew, I found myself holding myself to a higher standard, with YAH being at the top of my list. It was easy to decline offers from men because I knew what I wanted. And that was a man of The Most High.

So I focused on my relationship with Him. He helped me heal from past traumas and develop something more intimate with Him. I became vulnerable with The Most High, and He created space in my heart and my life for my future husband.

I kept my head down and focused on the mission He assigned me to. And little did I know, the man The Most High had in store for me was right across from me (on Zoom) doing the same thing.

Our work relationship turned into a friendship. And I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know him. I loved how he put The Most High first in His life and held himself to a high standard. I loved how giving, nurturing, and kind he was. I loved how he was able to help me evolve into a more refined version of myself. I loved how he loved me for me and I never had to diminish myself to fit in his space.

We finally met in person after 8 months of working together and I was overtaken by His presence. It intrigued me, but part of me was also scared. Why was I feeling this way? And does he feel the same?

Thankfully he felt all the things I felt for him, and we decided to accept YAH’s gift which came in the form of a bond between each other. I was overjoyed to finally be able to experience the wholeness of YAH’s creation which is man and woman becoming one.

Now we spend each day serving YAH, pouring into our people, and seeking ways to rebuild our nation. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to go through life with, and because I chose YAH over this world, YAH gave me what I so longed for.

If you would like to follow along me and Yawitazah’s journey, visit We have a wedding coming up in less than two months and are excited to celebrate our union with our friends and family.

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