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Writer's pictureDejyah YisraÈL

Biblical Womanhood: Understanding the Importance of Being a Biblical Woman

I’ve talked about my journey of Biblical womanhood many times on various platforms, on The Israelite Girl’s Guide to Living for The Most High podcast, and on the From Hot to Wholesome podcast series for Sistah, Reclaim Your Image. I’ve enjoyed sharing my testimony of where The Most High brought me and how I’ve let Him take control of my life and guide me today. Being that I’ve been on my journey for almost 4 years now, The Most High has put me in a position to be able to share the nuggets of knowledge He’s allowed me to tap into. 

I take the position seriously to help other sistahs reach the highest of heights with their walk with The Most High and I pray that The Most High finds me worthy to be able to do so. When I came to the knowledge of who I really was to The Most High, there was no guidebook or outline outside of The Bible. And of course The Bible is our source, our rock of information, and guiding light, but it’s always helpful to receive snapshots of information along your path of learning. 

A sistah reached out on TikTok asking if I could create more content about modesty, family, headwraps, and just being a woman of faith. So I decided to take her up on that and create what I call the Biblical Woman Starter Pack. This starter pack is for any woman seeking to have a real relationship with The Most High, look the part, and be an example to others all while improving her relationship with our Creator. 

Understanding Biblical Womanhood

It’s important to note and understand that a Biblical woman is a woman who puts The Most High first. She prioritizes her relationship with The Most High and acknowledges Him as her Creator, author of her life, Provider, Protector, and Savior. She adheres to The Most High’s original purpose for women, which is to be a helpmate to her brothers and continue the legacy of YAH’s nation. She is a teacher to other women and children and carries herself with grace and humility. 

Key virtues and values to cultivate

For more references, the Ivriyah Declaration (found on The Almighty’s House of Ivriyah website) is a great place to start which is based on the Proverbs 31 woman. This shows us that we should be virtuous, trustworthy, good, willing, disciplined, nurturing, strong, prepared, charitable, modest, covered, wise, kind, blessed, and God-fearing. Another excellent source is Titus 2, which shows us that we should be willing to learn from our mother elders, discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, and obedient to our husbands. 

Throughout the Biblical Womanhood series, I'll be sharing the importance of being modest, how to shop for modest clothing, embracing marriage and motherhood, and the importance of building a supportive community.

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