Can You See It Now?
Trading resources for paper, what a joke
Something that would make you want to have all the smoke
A brother said they built a white man’s company on black soil
Makes you look at your trials differently when you see their toil
We live in a society that isn’t real
Hypes up the artificial to act like it’s something you can feel
But shouldn’t a feeling be attributed to something tangible
Giving you medicine for the pain to make it more manageable
The problem with our people is we like the dream
But seeing the truth makes you realize nothing is what it seems
A country founded by liberated slaves
Still has people working on a plantation for little to no money most of their days
The Most High is exposing the real problem within
He’s showing us that greed is such a hurtful sin
Because you’re willing to sacrifice the ones you should love
Thinking that what you have just isn't enough
When we start taking responsibility for our faults
Accepting that with The Most High’s love we were bought
Our identity doesn’t amount to a white man’s name
Wake up and see the truth, we’re the pawns in the game
What will it take for us to unify
Maybe another civil war to open up your eyes
But even that didn’t prove to be enough
Our people fought and died and all for what
To continue in this cycle of oppression
We literally own nothing, did you get the lesson
All YAH wants from us true repentance
Maybe then He will end our lengthy sentence
All true sis, Shalom. All Praises to Yah The Almighty God 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🤎📚